Preguntas y Respuestas Frecuentes · NocheProgramacion // ChepeCarlos Preguntas y Respuestas Frecuentes | NocheProgramacion // ChepeCarlos

Preguntas y Respuestas Frecuentes


Nunca e programado nada, Por donde empiezo?

I suggest starting with my Code! Programming with p5.js series.

I have a coding question. / Can you help me with this problem?

Please consider asking on the The Coding Train's Discord, which has a number of help channels. You can also checkout The Processing Foundation's Forum which is a great place to ask about processing and p5.js. And of course Stack Overflow is great for obscure topics because the user base is so big.

I can't find the source code for this video.

Please check the If you can't find it there open an issue on the website's GitHub repository.

Didn’t you do this already in a live stream?

Yes, apologies. I release edited versions of the same content that I do in the live streams. It's a little bit redundant but it allows people to consume the content in different ways based on their preferences.


Cual editor de codigo usas?

Depende si existe una heramienta especifica para programar como Arduino IDE o Processing IDE, lo mas probable es que este usando Atom IDE


Con que editar los video para YouTube?

Uso un programa de modelado 3D llamado blender, que tambien trae un modulo para editar video que es muy potente, activo un plugin llamado Power Sequencer que aumenta muchas funcionalidad y uso el teclado programable de ElGato